You are invited to join us for a Pre- Chanukah community Shabbat Dinner with Rabbi Shlomo Bendet. Friday, December 1st, at our home, 2285 St Andrews Cir, Bettendorf (corner of 18th St)
Candle lighting time 4:15 pm
Friday Night Services 5:15 pm
Kiddush and Dinner 5:45 pm
Rabbi Bendet, is the director of the Jewish Day School in S. Paul, MN. He is scholarly, and entertaining, and will address
Miracles: Do they happen today?
Rabbi Bendet will share more words of wisdom and stories at Kiddush, on the topic "The Kabbala of Simcha-Joy" following Shabbat Services.
We look forward to greeting you,
Rabbi Shneur and Chana Cadaner
Please reserve to let us know you're coming by emailing [email protected]
Donations are appreciated Come and bring a friend. |