City, State, Zip
How many people will be attending? Adults Children
Please specify which services you will be attending:
Rosh Hashana
Friday Evening (Sept. 6)
Saturday (Sept. 7)
Saturday Evening (Sept. 7)
Sunday (Sept. 8)
Tashlich (Sept. 7, 5pm)
Yom Kippur
Sunday Evening Kol Nidrei (Sept. 27)
Monday Morning Services (Sept. 28)
Neilah & Break Fast (Sept. 28)
How many people will be attending? Adults Children
Rosh Hashanah Dinner following evening services on September 6.
Kiddush Lunch following services on September 7.
Rosh Hashanah Dinner following evening services on September 7.
Kiddush Lunch following services on October 8.
All services & dinners are free of charge. Your generous donation is greatly appreciated!
Please accept my High Holiday donation in the amount of:
$100 $180 $360 $540 $1,000 Other
Charge my Card #
Exp. Date Security code
I will mail a check to
Chabad Lubavitch of the Quad Cities
2285 St. Andrews Circle
Bettendorf, IA 52722